Monday, 21 December 2009


How online auction sites like could make your Christmas dreams come true

It is very nearly that time of year again when we all forget how much we earn and how much we already owe. The recession is for wimps. Downturn, upturn or about turn, when it comes to Christmas we'll be spending money like drunken sailors. Lavish gifts for relatives we won't see again for a year, new outfits for each one of the many parties we'll be attending and food fit for a medieval court – Christmas is no time to be frugal.

Of course, there will be some who decide to boycott the festive gluttony, drunkenness and inappropriate dancing. Plenty of people don't celebrate Christmas on religious grounds, while others will be busy working while the rest of us are arguing about the best way to cook the turkey. You also get the odd killjoy who thinks Christmas is too commercial these days – an opinion arrived at shortly after deciding they're too tight to buy presents.

But this year a fair few of us are likely to fall somewhere between the modern-day Mr Scrooge and the office moron who's been wearing a tie made from tinsel since late November. We want to be merry, we want to celebrate, we want to take a break from our worldly woes, but we're also looking for opportunities to save a bit of cash.

One potential means of cutting the cloth this Christmas is to hit the online auction circuit. Sites like give you a chance to get your hands on the kind of Christmas presents that get you a "wow, that's worth much more than I spent on you, just wait until your birthday" instead of a "I hope this smile looks genuine, let's see if mum still thinks he's marriage material after this debacle". What's more, you can pick up these festive nuggets of gold for a fraction of their retail value.

A flatscreen television and home cinema system is just what you need to do justice to Zulu or Escape to Victory. Not a fan of the Queen's speech? Well, you're a traitor and you should be ashamed of yourself, but once her Majesty has said her piece how about 4-player Mario Kart on your new Nintendo Wii? You can even win a pile of cash to blow on whatever manner of festive tat takes your fancy or Tesco vouchers to take the edge of that eye-watering big Christmas shop.

Now, online auctions are not a license to print money. You must be sharp of wit and steely-eyed, with patience, focus, determination and expert timing to boot. But if you have what it takes to succeed on sites like you could have a very merry Christmas and an overdraft free New Year.

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